Dimensiuni: - partea lata, pictata, are lungimea de 63 cm si latimea de 9 cm
- fasiile inguste, pentru legat, au lungimea de 120 si 140 cm si latimea de 2 cm
Fiind lucrata si pictata manual, fiecare centura Joy este unica.
Se calca la temperatura medie.
Spalare manuala la 30 de grade.
“Joy” belt is
made of 100% cotton canvas and a black poly-cotton. The painted
stripe is sown over the black stripe. It's painted with special,
water resistant textile colors. It's painted in cheerful colors and
it's inspired by the famous Frey Wille's “Floral Symphony”
jewelry collection.
Dimensions: the
painted, wider stripe is 63 cm long by 9 cm wide/ 24 in long by 3.5
in wide
the long
tying stripes are 120 cm and 140 cm long by 2 cm wide/ 47 in long and
55 in long by 0.78 in wide
Because it's
handmade and hand painted, each “Joy” belt is unique.
Care: wash manually
at 30º Celsius. Iron at
high temperature.